
303 Magazine--July Issue!

Laura Standley, Tracy Bozarth, Aubrey Brewer, Ron Lopez, and Melanie Warner

The Outdoor issue of 303 Magazine is out! Check out the Aspen shoot that I did with the 303 team. Produced by Laura Standley, Hair & Makeup by Ron Lopez, photo assisting by Melanie Watson, Fashion styling by Tracy Bozarth, and modeling by the AMAZING Aubrey Brewer of Donna Baldwin Talent.

I had such a great time in Aspen. It was nothing at all what I expected (previous knowledge of Aspen was from the movie Dumb & Dumber..hahaaa). It was beautiful, everyone was really friendly, and it's seclusion was alluring. Our team worked REALLY hard. We hauled lights up hills (mountain base), into a restaurant, up stairs, down stairs, and around pools. We even got kicked out of the street at one point--but luckily got the shot in the 2 minutes prior. Everyone was fantastic to work & play with...and I really appreciated the opportunity!


Pride Fest 2011

I went to the pride parade this year, and wanted to share some of the snapshots that I took, for fun. It was an amazing time, with so much to see. Can't wait for next year!


It's been two years since my last post. WOW.

Hello! I have to apologize to anyone that sees this blog! It has been two years since I posted anything. I even had to reset the password, because it had been that long. WOW. I will be better about that moving forward.

So it's been two years! A lot has happened. I have so many images to share!! I will spend the next couple of weeks catching my blog up. I am also in the middle of building a new website and massive editing, so let's just say, that my computer and I are REALLY close right now. So if we see each other in public, and I have a thousand yard stare, you will know why.

Here is something short and quick to share! My husband was voted a top personality by 5280 magazine (Editor's choice, best comedian). My photo of him was featured in the July 'Top of the Town' issue. We found out that they needed a photo of him, so we jumped in the car, drove down colfax ave, until we found a couple of fun walls and store fronts. It was TERRIBLE light (noon-ish), but we made the best of it! Check it out! --xo crystal